Friday, October 3, 2008

Glimsp of Heaven

My daughter recently invited me and a select few others t0 a bible study at the church she is attending. Realizing my need for a bible structure. a study that some one will hold me accountable in the studying of the word of God, and working out of a book and then meeting back up with others to talk about and refine and correct is a great way t0 be held accountable, and to make sure you are on the right tract. Let us not forget that satin is a deceiver and would like nothing more than for Christians to miss interrupt the word of God.
Second it allows you to be in fellowship with many other believers, in this case women, who all share the same things that Christan women deal with, work,home,husbands,job,and then it becomes a bit of relationship thing that women need. ( yes fellows we need )
Well the study is by Beth More titled When Godly people do ungodly things, and if you have every studied with her or been to one of her conferences you know right off the bat two things.
She is biblical sound and this is going to hurt.
Well let me tell you, it did not take Satan long to hit me full force with distractions in MANY forms, so my first thought is GREAT!!!! this must be where I need to be studying what I need to be studying for the next 6 weeks.So I girded up my loin ( that bible talk for pulled up my big girl panties and sucked it it ) and I started praying to my Holy Daddy for help, and I got ready for a heart change ( which is normally what these kinds of studies do ) and you know heart surgery hurts. My father in law told me once, when a study hurts that is when you know that you are on the right track. OUCH!
So any way, I walk in this room and said to myself "self you are one of the oldest women in this class" and self said yes you are, but don't you look good, and as I tell my much younger prettier sister, that beauty fades, but wisdom is forever, I was wondering how I fit in to this and I felt a bit out of place. But in the coarse of the evening as we all talked and shared a bit I began to realize something awesome. EVERY ONE OF THOSE WOMEN IN THAT ROOM,WERE BORN AGAIN,SANCTIFIED,GODLY WOMEN, that wonted to be there, they were hungry for God words and they were willing to put EVERTHING on hold to get it. I could just imagine that was what it must have looked like when Jesus stop to teach ( but on a bigger scale ) undevided attenion .and it was incredible. As Kirk Franking sings " all eyes on you Jesus, all eyes on you " To be in a complete room of saints like that my heart welled up and I could not stop crying and when they prayed it hit me, God allowed me to get a teeny tiny peak of what it if going to be like in heaven, to walk among the saints in one accord, to share and pray and most importantly praise. In all my Christan walk I have never been exposed to so many solid saints in one room, that I have felt such power. Here is the other kicker, we shared prayer request not the ones that you throw out in a crowd so people don't think your life is perfect, we shared deep request, as for mime already I see God moving with the answers.
With that brings a whole new perspective when it tells us in God words that he answers the prayers of the righteous. not that I ever doubted that, but never have I seen it happen so fast.
What a ride this is going to be and I am sooooooooo excited. I may limp for a while but my heart even leaps for that.
So at this moment, I think when I get to heaven, I will probably do a whole lot of crying, good tears of course but if that glimsp is anything like I felt in that room, it will be tears.

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