Saturday, July 19, 2008

Lizards,kittens,Pepsi,pink lace and football

Neil and I are awaiting the arrival of out 4th grandchild Olivia Neil. I am excited to see her and welcome her to this crazy world and family. I wonder who she will look like, and I really am excited about smelling her. I know that sounds strange but it is true. She has not to long left heaven and she still smells of God. I am convinced that is what a baby smell is. You know that smell they only have for a little while right under the neck, we call it baby smell, but it is really, what I think God smells like.Pure innocence. I like to think that before she left, a few people that are in heaven already gave her a sweet kiss on her cheek as God sent her out, just to say hello. I think it is so like my God to do something like that for comfort. And if my Mom had any control, Olivia would be born fully clothe in pink and lace with the frilly bottoms, pink white patten leather shoes ( only because it is summer time, black if it was fall or winter because WE DONT WARE WHITE AFTER LABOR DAY )lace socks and if possible a bow in her hair.
I find I am really missing her lately at the pending birth of our first granddaughter, I guess because I know how excited she would be over a girl. Not to take anything from our boys, she always said they had kissee lips and she loved to kiss on them the very little time she had with them.
I still see her pushing Cole down the hall on her walker!
God is blessing me every day, with my grown children and now with my grands. I am beginning to think that perhaps this is what life is all about . I can hardly wait to see what Jason's children will be like, but I guess we need to find him a wife first LET IS PRAY AND PRAY HARD.
Oh what adventures lies ahead......lizards,kittens,Pepsi,pink lace and football. Does any one have any good vitamins I am going to need them, and I can hardly wait.:):):)

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