Monday, July 7, 2008

Cole for President

As I have stated in my profile, I have 3 almost 4 grandchildren who are the very heart of me. Now if you have grandchildren you know what I mean, if not, then you just wait because God put a special cap in your heart that pops off when a grandchild is born, and a crazy kinda love just starts to free flow, Either you understand that or you dont, but I hope one day you will.
I had my lovey's last night and we had been going around and around about junk food. So I finally said to Cole, no more junk food until you eat something good for you and we came to a compromise of a peanut butter sandwich, that he gave 1/2 of that to Jonah for a Scooby snack
( they are into Scooby Do right now ) and he gave 1/2 of his 1/2 to Judah. and then ask for what else some junk food.
As I reminded him that he did not really eat any of his food, that he gave it away. He turned around with those big ole brown eyes and said with his best defense (court was now in session)
"Mimi, I have a thing on my wall that says do to others as you wont them to be kind to each other, and then with great frustration he looked at me and said " I'm just tiring to love my people"
Now I knew his mom has been teaching him bible verses something I wish I had done as a Mom and not depended on Sunday school teachers to do, and I knew that he had mixed up the verses,
but that was so cute what could I say.
Sounds like a presidential platform to me. Just loving my peeps. You go Precious, Mimi has your back.

1 comment:

Traci said...

I VOTE COLE, you have ny vote buddy.

Love aunt TT